Monday, 25 March 2013

The Dangers of Aspartame

The Dangers of Aspartame


I am surprised to learn that many people still believe that diet cold drinks and artificial sweeteners are the healthier option. Yes, it is FDA approved. Yet, when you understand the mechanism behind its approval, you will think twice before consuming products which contain Aspartame.



The Commissioner of the FDA, Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr., approved the use of aspartame in carbonated beverages, he then left for a position with G.D. Searle's public relations firm.

G.D. Searle just happens to be one of the pharmaceutical giants in the USA.

Objections filed by neuroscience researcher Dr John W. Olney and Consumer attorney James Turner in August 1974 as well as investigations of G.D. Searle's research practices caused the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to put approval of aspartame on hold (December 5, 1974). In 1985, Monsanto purchased G.D. Searle and made Searle Pharmaceuticals and The NutraSweet Company separate subsidiaries. (Monsanto is an agricultural company that promotes genetically modified produce).

Aspartame accounts for over 75 % of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. Many of these reactions are very serious including seizures and death.


A few of the 90 different documented symptoms listed in the report as being caused by aspartame include:


Headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain.


According to researchers and physicians studying the adverse effects of aspartame, the following chronic illnesses can be triggered or worsened by consuming aspartame:


Brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, mental retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia, and diabetes.


Aspartame is made up of three chemicals: aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol. The book "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," by James and Phyllis Balch, lists aspartame under the category of "chemical poison."


I rest my case.


Tuesday, 12 March 2013

This is a reminder of what we should be doing on a daily basis.

I received this from Natural News today and thought I would share it with you, giving my hints and tips along the way in red.


Six (plus) health-boosting tips

(1) Healthy eating is obvious regardless of whatever else you do. One diet does not fit all. An Ayurvedic doctor or holistic practitioner can help determine what's best for you. Of course, trial and error works too. I found Quantum therapy to be a great way to determine your excess levels of toxins and deficiencies in Vitamins.

Regardless of which dietary approach you pursue, avoid junk foods, processed and/or GMO foods, and become a label reader. If there are ingredients that you're not sure about, leave it on the shelf until you research what they are. Minimize sugar intake without using artificial sweeteners.

Raw honey helps you satisfy your sweet tooth while promoting health. This is my sugar replacement in my morning cereal. For all the ladies out there that are trying to lose weight, remember that it is vital to eat a good breakfast. Should you skip breakfast your body thinks it is being starved and starts to store fats. Small regular meals should be taken during the day.

Try sticking with lots of fresh organic veggies and fruits. If you're okay with grains, use bulk, organic grains and legumes. Be relaxed when you eat, chew thoroughly, and avoid overeating.

Don't be intimidated by mainstream health matrix propaganda condemning all fats. Discover healthy fats but avoid processed, hydrogenated trans-fatty oils and all canola oil. ( Try frying in coconut oil if you have to fry.It really doesn't taste of coconut at all. Coconut oil is wonderful and has many uses: body lotion, eye make up remover, it also has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. I had an ulcer and took a spoonful once a day for 3 days. Completely cleared it. Ulcers, believe it or not, can be caused by Helicobacter Pylori bacteria. Animals love it too.

(2) Hydrate with pure water. Sodas and off the shelf juices are unhealthy. Stay highly hydrated but don't use commercially sold bottled water unless you're sure it's actually spring water or mineral water.

Brand name offerings are usually just tap water wrapped in BPA (bisphenol A). ( This is a known carcinogen (cancer causing). Don't freeze water bottles, don't re-use and don't drink from it after it's been in a hot car.

If your municipal water is fluoridated and you can't get real spring water or install a reverse osmosis and carbon filter machine, you can fill containers from reverse osmosis/carbon filter public water purifiers in almost any food store for no more than 50 cents per gallon.

Fluoridated water is a health killer.

Reverse osmosis removes 85 percent of the sodium fluoride. But it removes some mineral content also. Simply add that mineral content back with some real sea salt or trace mineral drops from a health food store. Use purified water for cooking, steaming, and soups also.

(3) Eliminate toxic household items, including all flexible plastics and recycled toilet paper containing BPA or BPS. Same goes for plastic shower curtains and some plastic toys.

Avoid Styrofoam cups and plates for hot beverages and foods, and don't use microwave ovens for heating, cooking or boiling water. No clingfilm in the microwave either. It leaches dioxins into the food.

Use only natural pesticides and insecticides. Common detergents and dryer sheets are toxic. Find natural substitutes. Same with cosmetics, especially underarm deodorants, fragrances, and toothpastes.

(4) Supplement judiciously with natural vitamins C and D3, the latter can come from exposing bare skin to direct sunlight or D3 vitamins. Many swear by CoQ-10 for overall vitality, especially as ubiquinol.

MSM (sulfur) promotes vitality.

The most important yet commonly deficient mineral is magnesium. It's more important to supplement magnesium, not calcium, for many reasons. ( A household and easily available form is Epsom Salts. The best way for absorbing this is through the skin. Pour a cup full into your bath water. Your body absorbs a 1/4 litre of water after 15 minutes in a bath. I also take a 1/4 teaspoon Epsom Salts + 1/4 teaspoon bicarb in a glass of water every evening before bed. This helps to detox and regulate one's pH during the night when your body goes through all the repair processes. Speaking of baths, double check the labels of what you are using in your bath water. Essential oils work very well and are a better option than regular bath oils.

Green superfoods such as chlorella and spirulina are worth investigating. Use organic cilantro in your food as much as possible with either green superfood to help eliminate heavy metals. I learnt this from a lymphatic cancer survivor, Robin Hanisch. She has her own website with loads of information. She decided to treat herself after undergoing a mastectomy with conventional medical treatment, and then discovering that the cancer had spread to her lymph. She was cancer free after 18 months. If you're like me and too busy to juice, then the easier option is to use one of the poweders. I use wheatgrass powder. 1 teaspoon mixed in a glass of water first thing in the morning. If your thyroid is sluggish, look into supplementing iodine. Lugol's Iodine is the best. Available from a health store.

(5) Exercise moderately often. No gym memberships are required with the following suggestions. Walking briskly a mile or more five times a week works fine. You can drain accumulated nasty lymph fluid by jumping on a mini-trampoline or "rebounder" daily.

Yoga instructions are accessible in most areas, and yoga is an excellent external and internal organ toner that increases vitality and health without wearing you out in the process.

(6) Meditate. The last pose or asana in yoga, the "corpse pose" will lead into mediation if practiced properly. Meditating daily even for minutes at a time will help calm your mind, ease anxiety, sleep better, and align the chi energy for better health.

Sources for this article include:

Excellent magnesium data by Dr. Mark Sircus

Learn more:

Monday, 11 March 2013

Flaxseed Lowers Blood Pressure

Here's another advantage of using flaxseed that I came across. Good for the arteries, good for inflammation and good for arrythmias. That is what I call a good power packed punch from the little seeds.
Adding flaxseed to the diets of patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) resulted in large drops in blood pressure (BP) of around 10 mm Hg systolic and 7 mm Hg diastolic after six months, according to the results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled study.

"This reduction of SBP and DBP after administration of dietary flaxseed is the largest decrease in BP ever shown by any dietary intervention," said Dr Delfin Rodriguez (University Hospital Holguin, Cuba) speaking here today at the American Heart Association 2012 Scientific Sessions. Such reductions would be expected to result in around a 50% fall in the incidence of stroke and a 30% reduction in MI, he added.


"Flaxseed represents a particularly attractive strategy for controlling hypertension in economically disadvantaged communities and countries, and its BP-lowering effects compare favorably with those of antihypertensive drugs and lifestyle modifications, such as a low-salt diet and weight loss," he noted.

Flaxseed Is Antiatherogenic, Anti-Inflammatory, and Antiarrhythmic

Rodriguez said that he and his colleagues chose to study flaxseed because animal studies have shown it has antiatherogenic, anti-inflammatory, and antiarrhythmic effects and may reduce circulating cholesterol and trans-fatty acid levels.


The flaxseed group exhibited a twofold increase in plasma alpha-linolenic acid and a 10-fold increase in enterolactone levels (p=0.003), but levels of these compounds did not change in the placebo group.

"Flaxseed has different components, including alpha-linolenic acid, enterolignans, and fiber, and all have been shown to decrease BP. We think we are seeing a synergistic effect of different compounds," he commented.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

The Onslaught of the EMFs

This makes for frightening reading as there is very little that we can change or control with regard to EMF's.

The Onslaught of the EMFs

                                                                                                                                                                               Harmful   Harmful transient-rich compact fluorescent light bulb     


Today, every person on the planet is enveloped in radioactive electromagnetic field (EMF) pollution or "electrosmog."

Where does it come from?

For starters, let's look at your home. The wiring in your walls and outlets create an ever-present electromagnetic field in the room. Nearby power lines radiate even more EMF exposure into your home. Household appliances and lighting, especially "energy-saving" computers, refrigerators, plasma TVs, compact fluorescent light bulbs, and dimmer switches produce a particularly harmful dose of EMFs. When these energy-efficient electronics and appliances tamp down the electrical current, they create a wildly fluctuating and potentially dangerous electromagnetic field. High-frequency voltage transients, or "dirty electricity," results and radiates into your home. These EMFs can also back up along your wiring all the way to the utility, infecting every energy customer in between. Add in all the everyday things you use – alarm clock, electric razor, hair dryer, electric toothbrush – and you're literally cluttering your living environment with toxic doses of EMFs. And we haven't even touched on technology yet…

The Truth Behind WIFI and Mobile Phones

Communication towers generate invisible, but invasive EMFs.
The electrosmog created from all sources, including electronics, cell and cordless phones, wireless technology (especially Blue Tooth and WiFi), certain alarm systems, and radio and TV transmissions are now conclusively proven in over 2,000 studies to be hazardous to your health. But don't wait for your cell phone carrier or Internet provider to deliver the bad news.
Wireless Internet technology, some home alarm systems, cell phones, digital cordless phones, and blue tooth all use dangerous microwave radiation. Cell phone radiation comes into all homes from nearby cell phone panels. And then you add wireless technology. Even if you don't have WiFi, the EMFs from your neighbors' wireless technology extends into your living space as well.
As you might already realize, cell phones, especially when used without a safe headset, are very problematic when it comes to EMFs -- for both the user and others.
Of all the cell phones, the iPhone presents an exceptional hazard. Even when switched off, the iPhone acts as a transmitter from other cell phone users. In other words… if you happen to be the closest person to a cell phone tower, you and your iPhone serve as a transmitter station for possibly thousands of other cell phone users further away!

The High Cost of Cell Phones

In terms of health, we are indeed paying a very high price for our cell phone and wireless technology. The industry adamantly denies claims about potential cell phone risks. Even in the face of conclusive research findings, they reinforce the industry's party line: cell phones are safe for use. You must be well informed. After all, your and your family's health is on the line.

Here's briefly what you need to know…

Every cell in your body undergoes more than 100,000 biochemical reactions per second. And to ensure things run smoothly, every cell, tissue, and organ need to talk to each other and share information about those reactions. This critical information travels as light signals via the autonomic nervous system throughout your body. These light signals connect to a biophysical field of light that your body creates outside of itself. This outer biophoton field, or "biofield," is sensitive to magnetic and pulsating light fields.
The frequencies used by your body to communicate its information are in the range of a couple of billion Hertz. And that is the problem. The cell phone industry is now using this very same frequency band for cell phone-to-cell phone communication.
We now have strong scientific evidence that these cell phone microwaves are significantly interfering with the healthy communications between your physical body and your external "biofield" of light. In other words, they're causing "static" and breaking down your body's essential communications.
Your cells can't properly respond to signals from your brain, nervous system and immune system.

Just Turn Off Your Cell Phone? You're Not Off the Hook.

This may come as a surprise… You don't even need to use a cell phone to suffer from dangerous cell phone radiation. According to the Journal of Biochemistry, just living in a community with cell phone reception destroys crucial central signaling pathways in your cells.
Poor cellular communication and the dysfunctional autonomic nervous system that results are known precursors to cancer and other types of chronic illnesses.
A German study very clearly demonstrates these effects from cell phone radiation. For the first five years of exposure to a community cell phone tower, there is no increased cancer risk.
After five years, there is a sharp rise.
At the end of ten years, there is a three to five-fold increase in cancer rates.

Cell Phones and Your Child's Brain

The average child uses their cell phone 43 hours a month. A child's brain is not fully developed until around age twenty. Up until that time, their skull is thinner and their brain is growing and developing. And it's during these formative years that brain tissue is extremely sensitive to the effects of cell phone radiation.
Brain waves, neurological function, and brain chemistry are all affected by electromagnetic radiation. Looking at the brains of rats fifty days after exposure to only two hours of cell phone radiation – from a single call made in the vicinity – we see many darks spots not present in the group of healthy, non-exposed rats. These dark spots are albumin deposits, known to be the precursor state of Alzheimer's disease. If your teenager uses a cell phone, this is likely how their brain looks. And a recent study from Sweden suggests that cell phone usage starting in your teen years leads to a five times greater risk of brain cancer than those who start as an adult.
Bottom line: Limit (or even better, avoid) the use of cell phones for kids and teens.

Are Cordless Phones a Safer Alternative?

Cordless phones aren't any safer. In fact, new research shows they may be more damaging to your health. The current generation of phones on the market – DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications) cordless phones – broadcast microwave radiation twenty-four hours a day at a devastatingly high strength. These pulsed systems send a very sharp rise of continuous electromagnetic energy sizzling throughout your home. Even when the phone is not in use, the EMFs fill your living – and sleeping – space. Unfortunately, they pulse in the high alpha range of brain waves, forcing your brain waves to "entrain," or match that pattern. At night, this prevents your brain from entering the slower delta wave phase for deep sleep. Deep, slow delta wave, non-REM sleep is when your body heals and detoxifies.
  Not only do these pulsed systems prevent you from getting the restorative deep sleep your body needs, they also disturb all known body rhythms – your EEG, EKG, heart rate variability (HRV), breathing patterns, bowel movements, detoxification, and twenty-four hour meridian activity. The cordless DECT system blocks your blood-brain barrier in an open position, allowing the entry of circulating toxins.
It also affects endothelial cells in your gut mucosa, disrupting your gut barrier. This, in turn, may cause leaky gut syndrome, leading to food and environmental allergies.
Wondering if your cordless phone uses DECT technology? If it's a 900 MHz digital phone or the 2.4 GHz and newer, it most likely does. Older 900 MHz analog phones use a different technology that pulses only when the phone is in use.
The best solution: Replace your cordless phone with a corded landline phone.

How Technology and EMFs Sabotage Your Health What are the other known effects of EMFs – from all sources – to your health?

Solid evidence reveals these changes occur in your body as a result of exposure to electromagnetic fields:

Decreased pineal gland function with lowered melatonin production
Lowered thyroid hormones TSH, T3, and T4
Reduced production of testosterone
Increased mold growth and mycotoxin production in your home
Hastened growth and virulence of viruses, mold, yeast, Lyme spirochetes, and other biotoxins within your body
Impaired immune status (decreased IL-10, increased IL-1, IL-6, decreased NK cell activity)

And because of these dangerous changes from the effects of EMFs, there is scientific evidence of increases in…

  • Leukemia and other cancers, including breast cancer
  • Insomnia and sleep disturbances
  • Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia
  • Hormone imbalance and deficiencies in women and men
  • Brain fog, headaches, and short term memory loss
  • Delayed and disturbed brain development in infants
  • Autism and other neurological developmental disorders in children
  • Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, and motoneuron disease (ALS) in adults
  • Food and environmental allergies and asthma
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes

The body tissues most affected by electromagnetic fields are reproductive, breast, endocrine, and neurological tissues. The good news is… You'll see improvement in all physical areas when you make changes to your homes' and offices' electromagnetic fields.

The Effects on Your Health from a Toxic World

Your home may be downwind from a golf course teeming with accumulated pesticides and chemicals from lawn care products. In the last twenty years, health experts have seen a dramatic rise in the rates of autism, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and other neurological illnesses. And many experts believe these increases are linked to the accumulation of toxins in your body. Toxicity in your body can come from external sources, such as exposure to pesticides, herbicides, mercury vapor, and volatile organic compounds from new carpets and cars. In today's world, you're surrounded by toxins. Even your clothes and furniture, saturated with flame-retardants, add to your toxic load. And if you're not careful to eat mostly locally grown, organic foods, your diet is likely to be loaded with pesticides. The fact that there are over 250 chemicals detected in mother's breast milk at unsafe levels, including large quantities of flame-retardants (PBDEs), phthalates from plastics, heavy metals, and other environmental toxins… is a sober reminder of the toxic load you l carry in your body.

The Dangers of Metals

Many metals also carry a toxic load:

Mercury from silver amalgam fillings, vaccines, and all varieties of fish
Aluminum from cookware and our water supply
Cadmium from auto and (especially) truck exhaust
Lead from farm soil, our homes, and all bodies of water

Not so great news for babies… Mothers transfer two-thirds of their bodies' accumulated mercury onto their first-born child. Testosterone greatly enhances the effects of mercury toxicity, which may explain why first-born male children are the ones who typically develop neurological problems. Mercury toxicity can mimic or cause any illness currently known - or contribute to it.

Toxic metals wreak havoc on your body in numerous ways…

  • Disrupt cell membrane functioning
  • Upset immune system response
  • Cause joint pain and discomfort
  • Fire up chronic inflammation in your body
  • Cause DNA damage with premature aging
  • Create free radicals and oxidative stress damage
  • Damage mitochondria in your cells, leading to chronic fatigue
  • Damage brain structure, leading to lower IQ and ADHD
  • Cause cardiovascular and circulatory problems
  • Can lead to mood disorders, anxiety, and depression
  • Cause metabolic problems, commonly leading to weight gain
  • Deposits in bone (lead) greatly accelerates osteoporosis
  • Lead to cognitive problems and Alzheimer's disease
  • Interfere with the transport of nutrients inside your cell and metabolic wastes leaving your cell.

EMFs and Toxic Microbes Within Your Body

EMFs speed up the growth of microbes Your body can also become toxic from internal microbial activity. EMFs speed up the growth of microorganisms in your body and make them produce more biotoxins. These excessive biotoxins can easily overwhelm your natural detoxification systems. So not only must you deal with increasing amounts of toxic metals and other chemicals in your environment, you must also cope with an EMF-driven overgrowth of microorganisms and their own toxins in your body. Mold, as with other microorganisms, can also react in high EMF environments.

One study shows mold produces 600 times more neuro- toxins in a high electromagnetic environment. Researchers have discovered that microorganisms tend to take hold in body areas harboring the highest toxic metal pollution. In these areas, your body's immune cells become incapacitated, allowing the microorganisms to multiply and thrive undisturbed.
Toxic metal-laden areas also tend to be constrictive and lack incoming fresh blood, nutrients, and oxygen. These conditions foster the growth of anaerobic germs, fungi, and viruses.

How Microorganisms and Their Biotoxins Affect Your Body

So what effects do these microorganisms have on your body? Chronic infection results from the invasion of microorganisms and their biotoxins. And chronic infection causes or contributes to virtually any illness. A study performed by the VA administration (JADA, April 1998) on 10,000 U.S. veterans showed that the majority of coronary heart disease actually starts as an endothelial infection. In most cases, these infections are caused by microorganisms in the mouth.

Another study shows that nearly 70 percent of all Temporomandibular Joint Pain (TMJ) syndromes in women are caused or contributed to by Chlamydia trachomatis.

Childhood diabetes is often caused by influenza or a cytomegalovirus infection. As I mentioned, body areas with the highest concentrations of toxic metals tend to harbor microorganisms.

Which body areas are more prone to storing toxic metals, and what conditions lead from chronic infections in these areas?

  • Teeth and jawbone
  • Connective tissue – scleroderma, lupus
  • Gut lymphoid tissue ("Peyer's patches")
  • Hypothalamus – develop multiple hormone problems
  • Limbic system – depression
  • Adrenals – fatigue
  • Long bones – osteoporosis, leukemia
  • Pelvis – interstitial cystitis
  • Autonomic and sensory ganglia - chronic pain syndromes
  • Cranial nerves – tinnitus, cataracts, TMJ problems, visual problems
  • Muscles – fibromyalgia

Why do metals choose these particular body areas?

Here are likely reasons:

Past physical trauma, such as head injury
Food allergies causing a low grade encephalitis or joint inflammation
Stress from sleeping on water lines or close to electrical equipment
Scars (create abnormal electrical signals in the body)
Structural abnormalities: TMJ-problems, Cranio-Sacral dysfunctions
Biochemical deficiencies
Environmental toxicity (i.e. solvents, pesticides, wood preservatives)
Something simple and easy to help protect against heavy metal toxicity and internal microbial activity is to take a daily melatonin supplement. The most effective and potent neuroprotective substance in the central nervous system, melatonin helps prevents damage from mercury, lead, aluminum, chemicals, mycotoxins, viruses, cigarette smoke, bacterial and parasitic endo-and exotoxins (Lyme, clostridia, ascaris), outgasing of carpets and new car plastics.

Courtesy:   Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, Ph.D