Tuesday, 12 March 2013

This is a reminder of what we should be doing on a daily basis.

I received this from Natural News today and thought I would share it with you, giving my hints and tips along the way in red.


Six (plus) health-boosting tips

(1) Healthy eating is obvious regardless of whatever else you do. One diet does not fit all. An Ayurvedic doctor or holistic practitioner can help determine what's best for you. Of course, trial and error works too. I found Quantum therapy to be a great way to determine your excess levels of toxins and deficiencies in Vitamins.

Regardless of which dietary approach you pursue, avoid junk foods, processed and/or GMO foods, and become a label reader. If there are ingredients that you're not sure about, leave it on the shelf until you research what they are. Minimize sugar intake without using artificial sweeteners.

Raw honey helps you satisfy your sweet tooth while promoting health. This is my sugar replacement in my morning cereal. For all the ladies out there that are trying to lose weight, remember that it is vital to eat a good breakfast. Should you skip breakfast your body thinks it is being starved and starts to store fats. Small regular meals should be taken during the day.

Try sticking with lots of fresh organic veggies and fruits. If you're okay with grains, use bulk, organic grains and legumes. Be relaxed when you eat, chew thoroughly, and avoid overeating.

Don't be intimidated by mainstream health matrix propaganda condemning all fats. Discover healthy fats but avoid processed, hydrogenated trans-fatty oils and all canola oil. (http://www.naturalnews.com) Try frying in coconut oil if you have to fry.It really doesn't taste of coconut at all. Coconut oil is wonderful and has many uses: body lotion, eye make up remover, it also has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. I had an ulcer and took a spoonful once a day for 3 days. Completely cleared it. Ulcers, believe it or not, can be caused by Helicobacter Pylori bacteria. Animals love it too.

(2) Hydrate with pure water. Sodas and off the shelf juices are unhealthy. Stay highly hydrated but don't use commercially sold bottled water unless you're sure it's actually spring water or mineral water.

Brand name offerings are usually just tap water wrapped in BPA (bisphenol A). (http://www.naturalnews.com/BPA.html) This is a known carcinogen (cancer causing). Don't freeze water bottles, don't re-use and don't drink from it after it's been in a hot car.

If your municipal water is fluoridated and you can't get real spring water or install a reverse osmosis and carbon filter machine, you can fill containers from reverse osmosis/carbon filter public water purifiers in almost any food store for no more than 50 cents per gallon.

Fluoridated water is a health killer.

Reverse osmosis removes 85 percent of the sodium fluoride. But it removes some mineral content also. Simply add that mineral content back with some real sea salt or trace mineral drops from a health food store. Use purified water for cooking, steaming, and soups also.

(3) Eliminate toxic household items, including all flexible plastics and recycled toilet paper containing BPA or BPS. Same goes for plastic shower curtains and some plastic toys.

Avoid Styrofoam cups and plates for hot beverages and foods, and don't use microwave ovens for heating, cooking or boiling water. No clingfilm in the microwave either. It leaches dioxins into the food.

Use only natural pesticides and insecticides. Common detergents and dryer sheets are toxic. Find natural substitutes. Same with cosmetics, especially underarm deodorants, fragrances, and toothpastes.

(4) Supplement judiciously with natural vitamins C and D3, the latter can come from exposing bare skin to direct sunlight or D3 vitamins. Many swear by CoQ-10 for overall vitality, especially as ubiquinol.

MSM (sulfur) promotes vitality.

The most important yet commonly deficient mineral is magnesium. It's more important to supplement magnesium, not calcium, for many reasons. (http://www.naturalnews.com) A household and easily available form is Epsom Salts. The best way for absorbing this is through the skin. Pour a cup full into your bath water. Your body absorbs a 1/4 litre of water after 15 minutes in a bath. I also take a 1/4 teaspoon Epsom Salts + 1/4 teaspoon bicarb in a glass of water every evening before bed. This helps to detox and regulate one's pH during the night when your body goes through all the repair processes. Speaking of baths, double check the labels of what you are using in your bath water. Essential oils work very well and are a better option than regular bath oils.

Green superfoods such as chlorella and spirulina are worth investigating. Use organic cilantro in your food as much as possible with either green superfood to help eliminate heavy metals. I learnt this from a lymphatic cancer survivor, Robin Hanisch. She has her own website with loads of information. She decided to treat herself after undergoing a mastectomy with conventional medical treatment, and then discovering that the cancer had spread to her lymph. She was cancer free after 18 months. If you're like me and too busy to juice, then the easier option is to use one of the poweders. I use wheatgrass powder. 1 teaspoon mixed in a glass of water first thing in the morning. If your thyroid is sluggish, look into supplementing iodine. Lugol's Iodine is the best. Available from a health store.

(5) Exercise moderately often. No gym memberships are required with the following suggestions. Walking briskly a mile or more five times a week works fine. You can drain accumulated nasty lymph fluid by jumping on a mini-trampoline or "rebounder" daily.

Yoga instructions are accessible in most areas, and yoga is an excellent external and internal organ toner that increases vitality and health without wearing you out in the process.

(6) Meditate. The last pose or asana in yoga, the "corpse pose" will lead into mediation if practiced properly. Meditating daily even for minutes at a time will help calm your mind, ease anxiety, sleep better, and align the chi energy for better health.

Sources for this article include:

Excellent magnesium data by Dr. Mark Sircus



Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/039451_healthy_lifestyle_practices_habits.html#ixzz2NKZyZNw8

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