Thursday, 5 September 2013

My Personal Testimony to Thermography


How fantastic to have had such an early warning! 

When I had my breast scan done a year ago, my risk rating was TH4, which was high (5 being the highest). Scientific studies have proven that thermography has a 10 x greater risk predictability than a family history of breast cancer. In other words, if I hadn’t taken my risk predictor seriously then, the chances of my getting breast cancer within the next 10 years was high.


I decided to embark on some dietary and lifestyle changes and to start consuming items that have been touted to combat cancer and disease in general. The whole idea behind this was to eliminate the elements that cancer and other diseases need to flourish.
I have just done a follow up scan and am delighted to say that I am now a TH3 which is a medium risk.


My 20+ years of natural health research instinctively led me to do the following:



                Any disease thrives in an acidic environment. Our western diets of consuming fast food, bacon, cold meats, smoked food, crisps etc all are acid forming. To this end I started drinking Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with a ¼ teaspoon Bicarb and ¼ teaspoon Epsom Salts every evening before bed. Remember that Apple Cider Vinegar is not the one that is found in your supermarkets. It must be raw unfiltered and have "the mother" in it. "The mother" means the brown gunky filaments floating in it. That is the actual active ingredient. If you don't like the taste of Epsom Salts then you can always add ½ cup to your bath water. Did you know that you skin absorbs ± ½ litre of water during a 15 minute bath? Epsom Salts is actually Magnesium.

Sipping on Apple Cider Vinegar during the course of the day and before meals has the added benefit of controlling one’s blood sugar levels as well as lowering blood pressure.



                I know that this can be done by eating fresh fruit and veggies, but I found it too difficult and time consuming to juice, which would have been the ultimate way. So instead I decided to drink some powdered organic wheat grass in a glass of water first thing every morning.



                I followed Hulda Clarke’s liver detox program, which was rather hectic but thankfully only took 3 days. I would suggest this be done annually or even every 6 months if your alcohol consumption is fairly high. This also clears gall stones.



                This is actually very important as, believe it or not, we all carry parasites, which can lead to a whole host of problems, not least being gastric reflux, mal absorption and gastric ulcers. Hulda Clarke again was a help here. I take 10 drops of Wormwood + 10 drops of Black Walnut Tincture in a little water before meals 3 times on any one given day per month. I also take a spoonful of Pure Virgin Coconut Oil once every 2 or 3 days, which got rid of my stomach ulcer in one day and has the added benefit of having anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. I now also use Coconut Oil for frying. It is the only oil which is safe at high temperatures. My children didn’t even taste the difference when I fried their eggs for Sunday breakfast in it.



                Disease thrives in an anaerobic environment. This can be done via breathing exercises and general exercising. I have an Ozone machine, so I started taking regular ozone baths.



                Cancer loves sugar. I learned to drink black coffee without sugar, which was surprisingly easy. I also reduced my coffee intake to 1 or 2 cups a day. I substituted with chicory and started drinking more green tea. Rooibos makes a delicious Green Tea Chai. Chocaholics can switch from milk chocolate to dark chocolate which is a much healthier option.



                Avoid products with flavour enhancers, colourants, PBA’s (bad plastics), added fragrances, especially air fresheners etc. Microwaves actually kill the enzymes in food so try not to use it and definitely don’t use cling wrap in the micro. It leaches dioxins into the food. Don’t use damaged Teflon pots. Don’t re-use shop filled water bottles, don't put them in the freezer or leave them in a hot car. Stop using anti-perspirants and rather use organic roll on deodorant.



                This will also help with weight loss. By doing all the above I even unwittingly managed to lose 15kgs over the course of the year. I add a teaspoon of crushed flax seed, ¼ teaspoon turmeric and ¼ teaspoon cinnamon to my wheat free ProNutro or organic oats. Did you know that all Tiger brand products i.e. Jungle Oats are genetically modified?
I chose the above steps as it suited me and was very simple and cost effective. There is so much more that can still be done with regard to environmental pollutants and avoiding toxins in our homes and the products that we use.



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