Thursday, 28 August 2014

pH Control

 BICARB in the control of pH

The pH level of our internal fluids affects every cell in our body. Chronic over-acidity corrodes body tissue, and if left unchecked will interrupt all cellular activities and functions. In other words, over-acidity interferes with life itself. It is at the root of cancer.

The pH of our tissues and body fluids is crucial and central because it affects and mirrors the state of our health or our inner cleanliness. The closer the pH is to 7.35-7.45, the higher our level of health and wellbeing.

When the body can no longer effectively neutralize and eliminate the acids, it relocates them within the body’s extra-cellular fluids and connective tissue cells directly compromising cellular integrity.

Cancer thrives in an acidic, anaerobic (oxygen free) environment

Hydrogen ions tie up oxygen. That means that the more acid a liquid is, the less available the oxygen in it. Every cell in our body requires oxygen for life and to maintain optimum health. Combine that with what we know about hydrogen ions and we see that the more acid the blood (the lower its pH), the less oxygen is available for use by the cells. This can be likened to acid rain which “kills” a lake. The fish literally suffocate to death because the acid in the lake “binds up” all of the available oxygen. It’s not that the oxygen has gone anywhere; it’s just no longer available. Conversely, if you raise the pH of the lake (make it more alkaline), oxygen is now available and the lake comes back to life. Incidentally, it’s worth noting that cancer is related to an acid environment (lack of oxygen)—the higher the pH (the more oxygen present in the cells of the body), the harder it is for cancer to thrive. The most famous mountain waters in the world, waters renowned for their healing properties, like the waters coming down from the Himalayas are highly alkaline.

The typical Western diet, high in meat, grains, sodas, and sugars acidifies the body,  

Dr. Robert J. Gillies and his colleagues have already demonstrated that pre-treatment of mice with baking soda results in the alkalinization of the area around tumors. The same researchers reported that bicarbonate increases tumor pH and also inhibits spontaneous metastases in mice with breast cancer.[1] It also reduces the rate of lymph node involvement.

When taken orally with water, especially water with high magnesium content, and when used transdermally in baths, sodium bicarbonate becomes a first-line medicinal for the treatment of cancer, kidney disease, diabetes, influenza and even the common cold. It is also a powerful buffer against radiation exposure, so everyone should be up to speed on its use.

I take ¼ tsp of Epsom Salts (magnesium) + ¼ tsp of Bicarb + 2 Tbsp Raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar (potassium) in a glass of filtered water daily. You can also add Epsom Salts + Bicarb to your bath water. It can also be used with your toothpaste for whitening teeth. Bicarbonate of soda also has 101 uses around the house.

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