Friday, 6 February 2015

The American Cancer Society - What an Embarrassment

The American Cancer Society declares that 'diet is an unclear factor' in preventing cancer! They even go so far as to say that some vitamins may cause cancer. Now I have heard it all!

Come on! There is an abundance of scientific evidence that shows a healthy diet can prevent cancer and other diseases.

When the Cancer Society was first formed in 1913 the cancer rate was 1 in 75. 100 years later, it is now 1 in 3. This proves that they have failed miserably. This kind of misinformation shows that you cannot look to them for help or guidelines anymore. They do not have our best interests at heart. A mere money making machine and this is one of the reasons that I no longer support any “pink” drives.

This behavior is almost criminal as is their failure to endorse thermography.

All foods identified as cancer-fighting are also known to be low glycemic and to produce an alkaline state. Cancer cells proliferate when there are elevated glucose levels and even the slightest increase in acidic pH - which also helps to explain the effectiveness of these foods

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