Thursday, 4 October 2012

Change your pH to fight disease

The first step to being healthy is to change the pH of one's body. Our western diets are highly acidic. No disease can live in an alkaline environment.
Now, how does one do that? You have a choice of using bicarbonate of soda, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. But lemons and vinegar are so acidic I hear you say. Yes, they are, but the moment they come into contact with the gastric juices of the stomach, they turn to alkaline. I think most of you have heard that having a glass of water in the morning and before bed with some lemon in it is healthy. Now you know why.
I personally prefer apple cider vinegar mixed in some water, which I sip on all day. Don't buy the common one on the supermarket shelves. You need to look for the brown coloured one that has "gunge" in it. This brown, stringy stuff is called "the mother" and that is the active ingredient. Therefore don't buy the filtered one.
My Mom and my business partner, who have been on blood pressure tablets for years have both been told by their doctors that they no longer need to take their tablets on a daily basis as both their pressures have started to come down! This since they started drinking apple cider vinegar. I lost 10kgs since I started drinking the ACV. I have also heard that it is excellent for type 2 diabetes. Do the test yourself.  Take your blood sugar count after your normal meal. Next time round, drink a glass of ACV about 30 minutes before your meal.  Take your blood sugar count after the meal and see the difference..
The expensive "alkalising powders" that one can buy are basically bicarbonate of soda, which does the same thing. So, for a real fast alkalising drink mix bicarb with the ACV and voilla!
Happy alkalising!

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