Thursday, 24 October 2013

The Dangers in Revlon cosmetics

I found this to be very enlightening. So often you hear about toxic chemicals but can never remember all the names to look out for when checking labels. Also, I am sure that these chemicals will not only by found in Revlon products, but a whole host of other brands too.  I have noticed that many cosmetics don't give an ingredients list, especially on items such as lipstick.

“Dare to be Revlon.” That’s Revlon’s motto.              

But with all the chemicals linked to cancer and other serious health concerns in Revlon products, no woman should take that dare. To make things worse, Revlon—one of the biggest cosmetics manufacturers in the world—is running ads promoting its support of breast cancer awareness. Do you smell the scent of irony? Do you see the glimmering shades of hypocrisy?

Here’s what we found when we did a survey of Revlon’s products on store shelves:

  • Butylated compounds (BHA, BHT)  Found in hair dyes and lip gloss; linked to cancer
  • Quaternium-15 and other formaldehyde-releasing chemicals  Found in mascaras, pressed powders and eyeliner; linked to cancer
  • Parabens  Found in eyeliners and hair dyes; an endocrine disruptor linked to cancer
  • Octinoxate  Found in foundation makeup; an endocrine disruptor linked to thyroid disorders
  • Resorcinol  Found in hair dye; an endocrine disruptor and allergen
  • p-Phenylenediamine  Found in hair dye; a respiratory toxicant
  • Carbon black Found in eyeliners; linked to cancer

While Revlon continues to use toxic chemicals, industry leaders are moving toward safer cosmetics. Thanks to our collective efforts, in just the past two years, Johnson & Johnson and Procter & Gamble agreed to reformulate their personal care products to remove certain toxic chemicals. And Walmart and Target are taking steps to help keep dangerous chemicals off their shelves. Now it’s time for Revlon to move.

Received from The Breast Cancer Fund.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

My Personal Testimony to Thermography


How fantastic to have had such an early warning! 

When I had my breast scan done a year ago, my risk rating was TH4, which was high (5 being the highest). Scientific studies have proven that thermography has a 10 x greater risk predictability than a family history of breast cancer. In other words, if I hadn’t taken my risk predictor seriously then, the chances of my getting breast cancer within the next 10 years was high.


I decided to embark on some dietary and lifestyle changes and to start consuming items that have been touted to combat cancer and disease in general. The whole idea behind this was to eliminate the elements that cancer and other diseases need to flourish.
I have just done a follow up scan and am delighted to say that I am now a TH3 which is a medium risk.


My 20+ years of natural health research instinctively led me to do the following:



                Any disease thrives in an acidic environment. Our western diets of consuming fast food, bacon, cold meats, smoked food, crisps etc all are acid forming. To this end I started drinking Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with a ¼ teaspoon Bicarb and ¼ teaspoon Epsom Salts every evening before bed. Remember that Apple Cider Vinegar is not the one that is found in your supermarkets. It must be raw unfiltered and have "the mother" in it. "The mother" means the brown gunky filaments floating in it. That is the actual active ingredient. If you don't like the taste of Epsom Salts then you can always add ½ cup to your bath water. Did you know that you skin absorbs ± ½ litre of water during a 15 minute bath? Epsom Salts is actually Magnesium.

Sipping on Apple Cider Vinegar during the course of the day and before meals has the added benefit of controlling one’s blood sugar levels as well as lowering blood pressure.



                I know that this can be done by eating fresh fruit and veggies, but I found it too difficult and time consuming to juice, which would have been the ultimate way. So instead I decided to drink some powdered organic wheat grass in a glass of water first thing every morning.



                I followed Hulda Clarke’s liver detox program, which was rather hectic but thankfully only took 3 days. I would suggest this be done annually or even every 6 months if your alcohol consumption is fairly high. This also clears gall stones.



                This is actually very important as, believe it or not, we all carry parasites, which can lead to a whole host of problems, not least being gastric reflux, mal absorption and gastric ulcers. Hulda Clarke again was a help here. I take 10 drops of Wormwood + 10 drops of Black Walnut Tincture in a little water before meals 3 times on any one given day per month. I also take a spoonful of Pure Virgin Coconut Oil once every 2 or 3 days, which got rid of my stomach ulcer in one day and has the added benefit of having anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. I now also use Coconut Oil for frying. It is the only oil which is safe at high temperatures. My children didn’t even taste the difference when I fried their eggs for Sunday breakfast in it.



                Disease thrives in an anaerobic environment. This can be done via breathing exercises and general exercising. I have an Ozone machine, so I started taking regular ozone baths.



                Cancer loves sugar. I learned to drink black coffee without sugar, which was surprisingly easy. I also reduced my coffee intake to 1 or 2 cups a day. I substituted with chicory and started drinking more green tea. Rooibos makes a delicious Green Tea Chai. Chocaholics can switch from milk chocolate to dark chocolate which is a much healthier option.



                Avoid products with flavour enhancers, colourants, PBA’s (bad plastics), added fragrances, especially air fresheners etc. Microwaves actually kill the enzymes in food so try not to use it and definitely don’t use cling wrap in the micro. It leaches dioxins into the food. Don’t use damaged Teflon pots. Don’t re-use shop filled water bottles, don't put them in the freezer or leave them in a hot car. Stop using anti-perspirants and rather use organic roll on deodorant.



                This will also help with weight loss. By doing all the above I even unwittingly managed to lose 15kgs over the course of the year. I add a teaspoon of crushed flax seed, ¼ teaspoon turmeric and ¼ teaspoon cinnamon to my wheat free ProNutro or organic oats. Did you know that all Tiger brand products i.e. Jungle Oats are genetically modified?
I chose the above steps as it suited me and was very simple and cost effective. There is so much more that can still be done with regard to environmental pollutants and avoiding toxins in our homes and the products that we use.



Wednesday, 28 August 2013

3D mammography doubles your radiation exposure

I received this from Dr Mercola today. Please share with your friends and family who still believe in going for mammograms instead of thermoscans.

Breast cancer has become big business, and routine mammography is one of its primary profit centers. While mammograms are touted as the best way to prevent breast cancer death, studies suggest otherwise.
The fact that you are reading this article gives you an enormous advantage, as most women are unaware of the mounting research indicating routine mammograms harm far more women than they save.
Despite the facts, the industry is fighting tooth and nail to keep mammography alive by downplaying or outright ignoring its significant risks.
One of industry’s latest tactics is introducing a “new and improved” type of mammogram called 3D tomosynthesis, which is basically a CT scan for your breasts. Tomosynthesis is a clever re-branding of the status quo.
The multi-millions of dollars spent on creating these invasive machines could have been better utilized for educating women about cancer prevention; developing less dangerous technologies, such as ultrasound and infrared imaging; and inventing completely new and safer technologies.

3D Tomosynthesis: Three Steps Down on the Ladder of Progress

Two of the greatest mammogram risks are high radiation exposure and compression of breast tissue, which potentially causes cancer cells to spread. 3D tomosynthesis does not reduce or eliminate either of these risks!
In fact, with this “new and improved” technology, your radiation exposure is even greater than from standard mammograms—and by a significant margin. This is disturbing, as we know that all levels of ionizing radiation can cause cancer.
According to one study,1 annual screening using digital or screen-film mammography on women aged 40–80 years is associated with an induced cancer incidence and fatal breast cancer rate of 20–25 cases per 100,000 mammograms. Meaning, annual mammograms cause 20-25 cases of fatal cancer for every 100,000 women getting the test.
The 3D mammogram requires multiple views in order to achieve three-dimensionality, so it stands to reason your total radiation exposure would be considerably higher than from a standard 2D mammogram.
With mammography, each breast is X-rayed at least twice—once from top to bottom and once diagonally from the outside in. With tomosynthesis, the X-ray tube rotates around the breast. Twenty-five exposures are taken, with up to two pictures per second. Multiple images result in higher radiation exposure. But the picture gets even worse...
3D mammography is not a stand-alone diagnostic test—it’s typically an add-on to the standard mammogram. So, not only do these 3D images prolong your exposure to radiation, but if you’ve already had a regular mammogram, they further compound your risk. This is certainly NOT progress—it’s a huge step backward, making breast cancer screening even more dangerous than before.

3D Mammograms May Actually TRIPLE Your Radiation Dose

Just how much more radiation are you getting with these new 3D mammograms? There are different estimates in circulation, partly because some folks are not including the radiation exposure from the standard mammogram into the total. When you add the 2D and 3D scans together, utilizing tomosynthesis at least doubles your radiation exposure, and some estimates have your exposure tripling, such as this 2011 study published in Radiology Today,2 which states that:
"Because the digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) exam requires two additional exposures over a standard mammogram, the total radiation dose from the combined 2D and tomosynthesis examination is three times that of a standard mammogram."
The authors note that both scans (2D and 3D) are required because studies done prior to FDA approval failed to conclusively show better sensitivity of 3D alone, compared to 2D imaging.3 They also state that it’s too early to know how useful this new breast imaging technology will be. Some insurance companies—Aetna4 for one—have rejected it, citing “insufficient evidence of its effectiveness.”
The bottom line is, the industry reports tomosynthesis has 1.5 to 2 times the radiation dose. The FDA reports it has double the dose. And the radiologists, who are looking at total exposure, report triple the dose over conventional mammograms. You can see this comparison in a chart on page 8 of an FDA Executive Summary, “Average Glandular Dose per Breast.”5
Tomosynthesis is being touted by the industry as being particularly helpful for identifying cancer in women with dense breast tissue. However, these women already have a four to six times greater risk of developing breast cancer. Knowing that ionizing radiation is a direct cause of cancer, how can a test that triples your radiation exposure be of any benefit if you have potentially cancer-prone breasts to begin with?

Smarter CT Scanning of Kids Would Prevent Over 3,000 Childhood Cancers Each Year

Women are not the only ones being excessively irradiated with unnecessary medical scans. Children are receiving more CT scans than ever, and CTs expose them to much more radiation than standard X-rays. The average American child gets seven radiation scans by the age of 18.

One CT scan exposes your child to 100 to 500 times more ionizing radiation than a standard X-ray. Your child’s growing body is even more sensitive to radiation than yours, being more likely to develop radiation-induced cancers, such as leukemia and cancers of the brain, lungs, thyroid and colon.
Previous studies have estimated that at least one-third of CT scans in children are medically unnecessary. How many children could be saved from cancer if these unnecessary CTs were eliminated and replaced with safer diagnostic tests? A team of researchers actually set out to answer this question. They calculated that smarter CT scanning of kids would prevent 3,020 children from developing radiation-induced cancers each year.6

Did You Know That 30 Percent of Breast Tumors Go Away on Their Own?

Getting back to breast cancer, it is important to realize that, if your immune system is healthy and strong, it’s capable of ridding your body of tumors—even cancerous ones. According to breast surgeon Susan Love of UCLA, at least 30 percent of tumors found on mammograms would go away if you did absolutely nothing.7 These tumors appear to be destined to stop growing on their own, shrink, and even go away completely. Nearly everyone has cancerous and pre-cancerous cells in their bodies by middle age, but not everyone develops cancer. The better you take care of your immune system, the better it will take care of you.
One way to strengthen your immune system is to minimize your exposure to mammograms and other sources of ionizing radiation, especially mega sources such as these new 3D scans and CTs. But you can also build up your immune system DAILY by making good diet and lifestyle choices.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Bad one-sided reporting

I received this news letter this morning and am happy to see that at least somebody knows what they are talking about with regard to thermography.

Don't Let Mainstream Mis-reporting about Cancer Kill Your Chances of Good Health

    I know I'm not the only person disappointed with the news media. It's rife with sensationalism and biased stories. Worst of all are the "journalists" who go in search of tabloid-style stories and don't bother with the details.

    What happens in these cases? We end up watching biased stories that appear to be objective but aren't. I recently saw a bogus news segment on thermograms, so I want to set the record straight on how this early detection tool can save you from breast cancer despite what some know-nothing journalists may say. It could save your life.

Mammograms versus thermograms

    The news report I saw knocking thermograms was based on ONE case of a woman who received a false negative, indicating she didn't have cancer when in fact she did. The reporter then trotted out sound bites from a couple of radiologists (who make their living off of X-rays) to say that of course thermograms aren't good for much and women should stick to mammograms.

    The news report didn't say a word about the terrible inaccuracy of mammograms, the countless false negatives and false positives. If we're going to condemn screening procedures for one false negative, mammograms would have been outlawed years ago.

    Early detection is key when it comes to any cancer, and breast cancer in particular. And it's a fact that thermograms are a safe, valuable early detection tool for breast cancer.

    The problem is, no single early detection tool is flawless. Mammograms are the most well-known, and they certainly detect some cancers. But they're also virtually useless when it comes to detecting tumours in the dense tissue of younger women.

    On top of that, mammograms can deliver false-negatives, false-positives, over-diagnosis, over-treatment, and radiation exposure. Last I checked, the false-negative rate was around 20 %—meaning mammograms will miss one out of five breast cancer tumours.

    They're also virtually useless for women under age 40—and though rare, it's the younger-than-forty crowd that develops some of the most malicious strains of breast cancer.

Consider thermograms instead

    Thermography is not "alternative medicine" as such. It's legal in the United States and widely used in Europe. In the U.S., conventional medicine has thrown it on the alternative medicine dust heap because it poses a threat to mammography, a huge, profitable industry with tens of thousands of people making a living off it.

    The FDA approves thermography as safe but doesn't officially support it and says it's not an alternative to mammography. But given the FDA's poor track record in supporting safe, non-invasive, proven health treatments, you shouldn't let that stop you from reaping the benefits of thermography screening.

    If you don't know about it, thermography is a form of digital infrared imaging that's completely safe—no radiation exposure whatsoever. It's based on the concept that early tumour sites project more heat than normal breast tissue. This is because of the increased blood vessel circulation and metabolic changes that take place when a tumour first develops.

    A thermogram pinpoints the abnormal heat levels that cancerous and — this is important — pre-cancerous areas generate. These areas pour out excessive heat long before a mammogram or any physical examination can detect a thing.

    But when it comes to thermograms, the key thing is to look at changes over time. So anyone who gets a single thermogram and thinks that's the last word on their risk factor is missing out on crucial information.

The single-bullet approach

    While I absolutely do think some screening tests are better than others, it riles me when a news program puts out a sensational story that paints a tool as worthless. It's like the medical industry taking a single-bullet approach to healthcare, trying to pigeon-hole illnesses into one-size-fits-all problems and solutions. Healthcare isn't that easy, and it never will be.

    Here's what you have to remember. Most high-tech screening procedures are flawed in some way. Take mammograms, for instance. They're just X-ray pictures of the breast. Not only do they not work well on dense breast tissue, as mentioned, but they're subject to error. The machine can malfunction. The technician who interprets your results can screw up. Or a tumour just won't show.

    In a thermogram, the tumour site needs to be caught at a certain growth stage. And again, interpretation is subject to human error. The images have to be interpreted by a skilled, experienced thermographer. And as I said earlier, it's the changes seen in a series of images, taken over a period of years, that most accurately flags cancer risk.

    If this sounds alarming, it really isn't. The abnormally hot areas that turn up in thermograms can take many, many years to develop into cancer. Immediate treatment isn't needed. You've got time to observe how they change — and to proceed to other tests such as biopsies and mammograms if they seem warranted. Cancerous areas literally get hotter every year, and a thermogram can often see this occurring long before an X-ray could ever detect a mass.

    We already know one in five cancers can't be detected by mammography. Some of those cancers can be picked up by a thermogram. On the flip side, there is the occasional tumour site that won't show up on a thermogram, but may with a mammogram or other screening test. In fact, some studies show an increased survival rate when mammography and breast thermography are used together.

Courtesy Lee Euler


Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Asparagus -- Who knew? 
This is not the first time that I have heard about the amazing properties of asparagus and would most certainly recommend it.

From a friend –
My Mom had been taking the full-stalk canned style asparagus, pureed it and took 4 tablespoons in
the morning and 4 tablespoons later in the day. She did
this for over a month. She is on chemo pills for Stage 3
lung cancer in the pleural area and her cancer cell
count went from 386 down to 125 as of this past week.
Her oncologist said she will not need to see him for 3


Several years ago I met a man seeking asparagus for a
friend who had cancer. He gave me a copy of an article,
entitled "Asparagus For Cancer" printed in the
Cancer News Journal, December 1979. I will share it
here, just as it was shared with me: I am a
biochemist, and have specialized in the relation of diet
to health or over 50 years. Several years ago, I learned
of the discovery of Richard R. Vensal, D.D.S. that
asparagus might cure cancer. Since then, I have worked
with him on his project. We have accumulated a number
of favorable case histories. Here are a few examples:

Case No. 1,
A man with an almost hopeless case of Hodgkin's disease (cancer of the lymph glands) who was completely incapacitated. Within 1 year of starting the asparagus therapy, his doctors were unable to detect any signs of cancer, and he was back on a schedule of strenuous exercise.

Case No. 2

, A successful businessman, 68 years old, suffered from cancer of the bladder for 16 years. After years of medical treatments, including radiation without improvement, he began taking asparagus. Within 3months, examinations revealed that his bladder tumor had disappeared and that his kidneys were normal.

Case No. 3,
On March 5th 1971, a man who had lung cancer was put on the operating table where they found lung cancer so widely spread that it was inoperable. The surgeon sewed him up and declared his case hopeless. On April 5th he heard about the Asparagustherapy and immediately started taking it. By August,x-ray pictures revealed that all signs of the cancer had disappeared. He is now back at his regular business routine.

Case No. 4,
A woman had been troubled for a number of years with skin cancer. She developed different skin cancers
which were diagnosed by the acting specialist as advanced.
Within 3 months after beginning asparagus therapy, the skin specialist said her skin looked fine with no more skin lesions. This woman reported that the asparagus therapy also cured her kidney disease, which had started in 1949. She had over 10 operations for kidney stones, and was receiving government disability payments for an inoperable, terminal, kidney condition.
She attributes the cure of this kidney trouble entirely to the asparagus treatment.

I was not surprised at this result as `The elements of materia medica', edited in 1854 by a Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, stated that asparagus was used as a popular remedy for kidney stones. He even referred to experiments, in 1739, on the power of asparagus in dissolving stones. Note the dates! We would have other case histories but the medical
establishment has interfered with our obtaining some of the records. I am therefore appealing to readers to spread this good news and help us to gather a large number of case histories that will overwhelm the medical skeptics about this unbelievably simple and natural remedy.

For the treatment
, asparagus should be cooked before using. Fresh or canned asparagus can be used. I have corresponded with the two leading caners of asparagus, Giant and Stokely, and I am satisfied that these brands contain no pesticides or preservatives. Place the cooked asparagus in a blender and liquefy to make a puree. Store in the refrigerator. Give the patient 4 full tablespoons twice daily, morning and evening. Patients usually show some improvement in 2-4 weeks. It can be diluted with water and used as a cold or hot drink. This suggested dosage is based on present experience, but certainly larger amounts can do no harm and may be needed in some cases. As a biochemist I am convinced of the old saying that `what cures can prevent.' Based on this theory, my wife and I have been using asparagus puree as a beverage with our meals. We take 2 tablespoons diluted in water to suit our taste with breakfast and with dinner. I take
mine hot and my wife prefers hers cold. For years we have made it a practice to have blood surveys taken as part of our regular checkups. The last blood survey, taken by a medical doctor who specializes in the nutritional approach to health, showed substantial improvements in all categories over the last one, and we can attribute these improvements to nothing but the asparagus drink. As a biochemist, I have made an extensive study of all aspects of cancer, and all of the proposed cures. As a result, I am convinced that asparagus fits in better with the latest theories about cancer.

Asparagus contains a good supply of protein called histones, which are believed to be active in controlling cell growth. For that reason, I believe asparagus can be said to contain a substance that I call cell growth normalizer. That accounts for its action on cancer and in acting as a general body tonic. In any event, regardless of theory, asparagus used as we suggest, is a harmless substance. The FDA cannot prevent you from using it and it may do you much good. It has
been reported by the US National Cancer Institute, that
asparagus is the highest tested food containing glutathione, which is considered one of the body's most potent anticarcinogens and antioxidants.

Just a side note...
In case you are wondering why this has
not been made public,
there is no profit in curing cancer!

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Flax seeds lower oestrogen levels

Not just any seed, mind you...

    But scientists believe flax seed may pack a powerful punch to knock out oestrogen-dependent cancers including breast and prostate cancer.

    A literature review by the American Institute for Cancer Research found that just a few tablespoons of ground flax seeds daily can alter oestrogen levels in a way that may protect you from this deadly disease. That modest dose was enough to reduce tumour formation.

    Specifically, the compound called lignans—a phytoestrogen found in flax, wheat and vegetables—seems to provide some top-notch cancer protection.

    And according to a 2011 study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, boosting lignan intake may improve survival rates in postmenopausal women who've had breast cancer.

    A research team from the German Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg said this could be because lignans are about the same shape as those oestrogen's in the body that are associated with a higher risk of breast cancer.

    Their shape enables lignans to bind up oestrogen receptors—which blocks stronger forms of oestrogens from doing so. It's as if lignans take up all the available seats in a theatre, and there's nowhere for estrogens to sit.

    Some types of cancer cells need oestrogen in order to multiply and form tumours. Because lignan prevents these hormones from binding to oestrogen receptors, cancer cells can't grow.

    Lead researcher Jenny Chang-Claude said that the study provided "clear evidence showing that lignans lower not only the risk of developing postmenopausal breast cancer, but also the mortality risk."


    Lignans, isoflavones and coumestans are the three major classes of compounds that are collectively known as phytoestrogens.

    These compounds are known to play a role in everything from keeping your arteries healthy and your brain sharp to sexual maturation and reproduction.

     Another  lignan called podophyllotoxin, is so effective at targeting and destroying cancer cells—the medical establishment has even modified it for use in chemotherapy.

  Semi-synthetic derivatives—etoposide, teniposide, and etoposide phosphate—are used regularly to battle deadly lung cancer.

Scores of studies showcase lignans' promising performance!

    Scientists have produced some impressive study results that demonstrate the beneficial health results of a diet rich in flax seed lignans.

    Consider just a few examples:

  • Flax seed curbs hot flashes!—a pilot study conducted by Sandhya Pruthi, M.D., of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota found that 28 women who consumed four tablespoons of ground flax seed daily for six weeks experienced a decrease in hot flashes, from 7.3 to 3.6 a day.
  • Diabetes is decimated!—Animal study results published in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry showed that the SDG component of flax seed is an antioxidant that was found to help reduce by 75 percent the development of diabetes in rodents.
  • Provides superior prostate protection!—A recent study found that Scottish men with the highest intake of lignans have the lowest incidence of prostate cancer.
  • Colon cancer is crushed!—A Dutch study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention associated a high intake of lignans with a reduced risk of colorectal adenomas—growths that are precursors to colon cancer.

    These are just a few of the studies that highlight some of the health-restoring benefits of lignans.

    So if you're ready to get your hands on some of this stuff—look no farther than your local grocery store!

    I eat oatmeal four or five mornings a week, and I make a point of adding several tablespoons of fresh, ground flax seeds. Flax seeds are by far the richest source of healthy lignan nutrients.

    I grind them in a coffee grinder. (You don't want to use the same grinder for actually grinding coffee beans; I don't think you'll care for flax seed-flavoured coffee). And just to be clear — you don't cook the flax seed in the oatmeal. You add it raw after the oatmeal is cooked.

    Of course you can add ground flax seed to anything you want — yogurt, for example. I just happen to be a regular oatmeal eater.

Grocery shopping just became therapeutic

    Although especially rich in lignans, flax seeds aren't the only seeds to provide this nutrient. Sesame and sunflower seeds, as well as cashews and peanuts, provide a healthy dose of lignans.  

    You can also buy whole grain flax seed bread as another tasty spin on boosting your lignan intake.

    Not only can you add a crunchy taste to some of your favourite foods—but you'll also find that flax seeds can help reduce constipation to give you a "smooth move."

    Although foods that are high in lignans have been shown to play a positive role in breast cancer prevention, the truth is that many women do not eat enough of the types of foods that provide a significant amount of this cancer-fighting nutrient.

    Because these nutrients pass through your system within 24 to 48 hours, it's important to eat enough daily to enjoy their protective benefits.

    Considering the anti-cancer benefits that lignans provide, you might think it's well worth the time to add some lignan-rich foods to your next grocery shopping list.

Courtesy Lee Euler

Tumeric studies show amazing results for Alzheimer's Disease

This is amazing. Within 24 hours, another study is released to show the remarkable benefits of turmeric.

The recent findings of three independent case studies shows that turmeric, whose primary active ingredient is curcumin, has the power not only to heal both the behavior and psychological symptoms associated with dementia, but also help lead to full recovery of the disease in as little as just a few months.

The chief physician at Kariya Toyota General Hospital in Kariya City and his colleagues evaluated three separate case studies involving turmeric and came to some fascinating conclusions about the herb's therapeutic value. In each case, turmeric was shown to both relieve dementia symptoms and improve overall cognitive function. "In a study involving three patients with Alzheimer's Disease, whose cognitive decline and Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia were severe, exhibiting irritability, agitation, anxiety, and apathy, supplementation with turmeric powder capsules for over one year was found to be associated with improvement in symptoms," wrote the authors of the study in their summary. Two of the cases were able to recognize their family within 12 months of taking the turmeric.

Taking as little as one gram, or roughly one-quarter of a teaspoon, of turmeric powder or extract daily, it turns out, is enough to produce mind-blowing improvements in dementia symptoms. Earlier research published in the journal Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology back in 2008 corroborates this fact, having found that turmeric's natural antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxifying mechanisms help improve memory in patients with dementia. Simply consuming more of this flavorful spice as part of one's normal diet, in other words, has the potential to completely transform brain health and alleviate even the worst dementia symptoms. "Curcumin as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and lipophilic action improves the cognitive functions in patients with AD (Alzheimer's Disease)," wrote the authors of this earlier study in their Abstract. "Due to various effects of curcumin, such as decreased Beta-amyloid plaques, delayed degradation of neurons, metal-chelation, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and decreased microglia formation, the overall memory in patients with AD has improved."

Courtesy of Natural News.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Natural supplement study shows to lower PSA in Prostate Cancer

I came across this article and am absolutely amazed at the reception this natural supplement has received from the medical fraternity. Could this possibly now, once and for all, show that natural products play a significant part in health?

Food Supplement Linked to Lower PSA in Prostate Cancer

June 10, 2013


CHICAGO, Illinois — A commercially available food supplement that contains pomegranate, broccoli, green tea, and turmeric significantly lowers prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels, compared with placebo, in patients with prostate cancer, a double-blind placebo-controlled randomized trial has shown.

Pomi-T (nature Medical Products)

The study results, presented here at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO®), made headlines around the world and caused the polyphenol-rich supplement, known as Pomi-T (nature Medical Products), to sell out within hours.

This is a "promising new therapy," said Tomasz Beer, MD, professor of medicine and director of the prostate cancer research program at the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, during a "highlights of the day" session.
"We have been staggered by the level of interest...from medical professionals and the public," Marcus Williams, owner and director of nature Medical Products, told Medscape Medical News. As soon as the results of this study were released, the company, based in Porthcawl, South Wales, United Kingdom, received a rush of orders from customers in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

"It's awesome," the study's lead investigator, Robert Thomas, MD, a consultant oncologist at Bedford Hospital and Addenbrooke's Hospital, in the United Kingdom, told Medscape Medical News.

"We didn't expect such a big response. People are seeing that this can change practice...because men and their doctors do look at their PSA as a deciding factor in whether to stop active management," he explained.

Previous research has shown that the polyphenols and antioxidants in pomegranate, broccoli, green tea, and turmeric have individual anticancer properties, but "we believe there's a synergistic effect in the supplement," said Dr. Thomas.

In addition, the fact that each ingredient originates from a separate food category (fruit, vegetable, herb, and spice) might prevent potential adverse effects from the overconsumption of one particular type of polyphenol, he noted.

In the lab, polyphenols have been shown to have antiproliferative, antiangiogenic, proadhesion, antimetastatic, and proapoptotic properties, and notably, they have no phytoestrogenic or hormonal effects. "We specifically chose to steer away from anything that might have a hormonal effect."

Because of the supplement's effect is likely not hormonal, future trials will involve men with different stages of prostate cancer and those receiving androgen-deprivation therapy, he said. In addition, the researchers hope to look at the impact of the supplement on other slow-growing cancers and even on cancer prevention.

The study received no funding from the manufacturer of the supplement; however, the company worked very closely with the research team to develop the product, said Williams. "Unlike other nutritional supplement products, the manufacture of this supplement was significantly more time-consuming because Dr. Thomas and colleagues, for whom this was initially made, insisted on a great deal of quality assurance, over and above that normally required by the US Food and Drug Administration or European Commission, particularly in terms of purity and authenticity."

He said the study signals "a new era for the nutritional supplement industry, which has previously relied on advertising and marketing rather than evidence of benefit. Clearly, it's the latter that the public wants."

Friday, 24 May 2013

The Dangers of Anti-inflammatory Drugs

The Archives of Internal Medicine, has recently published a study on more than 125,000 regular users of anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which has shown that taking these drugs could increase the risk of kidney cancer by 36%.

It was shown by the researchers at the Harvard Medical School that patients who took anti-inflammatory drugs – used to treat conditions such as arthritis for example. - for between four and 10 years had an increased risk of developing kidney cancer and that the risk tripled for people taking these drugs for 10 years or longer.

 Prolonged use of these non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can also cause stomach irritation, high blood pressure, diarrhoea, peptic ulcers, kidney failure and liver damage.

They've been linked to 80% of cases of gastrointestinal ulcerations and bleeding – 10% of which are fatal.

Prevention magazine reported that complications from over the counter pain relievers kill 16,500 people each year – an average of 45 needless deaths every day in the US alone.
If you’re one of the estimated 10 million people currently taking large dosages of NSAIDs every day, keep this in mind also: NSAIDs don’t “fix” anything!

Your painkillers may alleviate symptoms, but they don’t help your joints. You could get caught up in a cycle where first you suffer the symptoms. Then you suffer the side-effects.

So what do I do you may ask? Well the first step would be to address the cause. This can often be done with dietary and life style changes. Then if you still feel you need an anti-inflammatory then look no further than your kitchen cupboard. Voilla! Turmeric!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

And I thought I was doing the right thing

Ascorbic Acid ( synthetic Vitamin C)

Any label that touts "Added Vitamin C" will usually come in the form of Ascorbic Acid. Beware that this not only kills off the bad bacteria, but also the good gut bacteria. Ascorbic acid is derived from corn starch, which these days in the USA is genetically modified, so now there is also that to consider.
The important thing to remember here, is that we want to preserve our good gut bacteria.
It shows us again how important it is to read our labels and if you are supplementing with Vitamin C to check what form it comes in.

Monday, 25 March 2013

The Dangers of Aspartame

The Dangers of Aspartame


I am surprised to learn that many people still believe that diet cold drinks and artificial sweeteners are the healthier option. Yes, it is FDA approved. Yet, when you understand the mechanism behind its approval, you will think twice before consuming products which contain Aspartame.



The Commissioner of the FDA, Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr., approved the use of aspartame in carbonated beverages, he then left for a position with G.D. Searle's public relations firm.

G.D. Searle just happens to be one of the pharmaceutical giants in the USA.

Objections filed by neuroscience researcher Dr John W. Olney and Consumer attorney James Turner in August 1974 as well as investigations of G.D. Searle's research practices caused the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to put approval of aspartame on hold (December 5, 1974). In 1985, Monsanto purchased G.D. Searle and made Searle Pharmaceuticals and The NutraSweet Company separate subsidiaries. (Monsanto is an agricultural company that promotes genetically modified produce).

Aspartame accounts for over 75 % of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. Many of these reactions are very serious including seizures and death.


A few of the 90 different documented symptoms listed in the report as being caused by aspartame include:


Headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain.


According to researchers and physicians studying the adverse effects of aspartame, the following chronic illnesses can be triggered or worsened by consuming aspartame:


Brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, mental retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia, and diabetes.


Aspartame is made up of three chemicals: aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol. The book "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," by James and Phyllis Balch, lists aspartame under the category of "chemical poison."


I rest my case.


Tuesday, 12 March 2013

This is a reminder of what we should be doing on a daily basis.

I received this from Natural News today and thought I would share it with you, giving my hints and tips along the way in red.


Six (plus) health-boosting tips

(1) Healthy eating is obvious regardless of whatever else you do. One diet does not fit all. An Ayurvedic doctor or holistic practitioner can help determine what's best for you. Of course, trial and error works too. I found Quantum therapy to be a great way to determine your excess levels of toxins and deficiencies in Vitamins.

Regardless of which dietary approach you pursue, avoid junk foods, processed and/or GMO foods, and become a label reader. If there are ingredients that you're not sure about, leave it on the shelf until you research what they are. Minimize sugar intake without using artificial sweeteners.

Raw honey helps you satisfy your sweet tooth while promoting health. This is my sugar replacement in my morning cereal. For all the ladies out there that are trying to lose weight, remember that it is vital to eat a good breakfast. Should you skip breakfast your body thinks it is being starved and starts to store fats. Small regular meals should be taken during the day.

Try sticking with lots of fresh organic veggies and fruits. If you're okay with grains, use bulk, organic grains and legumes. Be relaxed when you eat, chew thoroughly, and avoid overeating.

Don't be intimidated by mainstream health matrix propaganda condemning all fats. Discover healthy fats but avoid processed, hydrogenated trans-fatty oils and all canola oil. ( Try frying in coconut oil if you have to fry.It really doesn't taste of coconut at all. Coconut oil is wonderful and has many uses: body lotion, eye make up remover, it also has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. I had an ulcer and took a spoonful once a day for 3 days. Completely cleared it. Ulcers, believe it or not, can be caused by Helicobacter Pylori bacteria. Animals love it too.

(2) Hydrate with pure water. Sodas and off the shelf juices are unhealthy. Stay highly hydrated but don't use commercially sold bottled water unless you're sure it's actually spring water or mineral water.

Brand name offerings are usually just tap water wrapped in BPA (bisphenol A). ( This is a known carcinogen (cancer causing). Don't freeze water bottles, don't re-use and don't drink from it after it's been in a hot car.

If your municipal water is fluoridated and you can't get real spring water or install a reverse osmosis and carbon filter machine, you can fill containers from reverse osmosis/carbon filter public water purifiers in almost any food store for no more than 50 cents per gallon.

Fluoridated water is a health killer.

Reverse osmosis removes 85 percent of the sodium fluoride. But it removes some mineral content also. Simply add that mineral content back with some real sea salt or trace mineral drops from a health food store. Use purified water for cooking, steaming, and soups also.

(3) Eliminate toxic household items, including all flexible plastics and recycled toilet paper containing BPA or BPS. Same goes for plastic shower curtains and some plastic toys.

Avoid Styrofoam cups and plates for hot beverages and foods, and don't use microwave ovens for heating, cooking or boiling water. No clingfilm in the microwave either. It leaches dioxins into the food.

Use only natural pesticides and insecticides. Common detergents and dryer sheets are toxic. Find natural substitutes. Same with cosmetics, especially underarm deodorants, fragrances, and toothpastes.

(4) Supplement judiciously with natural vitamins C and D3, the latter can come from exposing bare skin to direct sunlight or D3 vitamins. Many swear by CoQ-10 for overall vitality, especially as ubiquinol.

MSM (sulfur) promotes vitality.

The most important yet commonly deficient mineral is magnesium. It's more important to supplement magnesium, not calcium, for many reasons. ( A household and easily available form is Epsom Salts. The best way for absorbing this is through the skin. Pour a cup full into your bath water. Your body absorbs a 1/4 litre of water after 15 minutes in a bath. I also take a 1/4 teaspoon Epsom Salts + 1/4 teaspoon bicarb in a glass of water every evening before bed. This helps to detox and regulate one's pH during the night when your body goes through all the repair processes. Speaking of baths, double check the labels of what you are using in your bath water. Essential oils work very well and are a better option than regular bath oils.

Green superfoods such as chlorella and spirulina are worth investigating. Use organic cilantro in your food as much as possible with either green superfood to help eliminate heavy metals. I learnt this from a lymphatic cancer survivor, Robin Hanisch. She has her own website with loads of information. She decided to treat herself after undergoing a mastectomy with conventional medical treatment, and then discovering that the cancer had spread to her lymph. She was cancer free after 18 months. If you're like me and too busy to juice, then the easier option is to use one of the poweders. I use wheatgrass powder. 1 teaspoon mixed in a glass of water first thing in the morning. If your thyroid is sluggish, look into supplementing iodine. Lugol's Iodine is the best. Available from a health store.

(5) Exercise moderately often. No gym memberships are required with the following suggestions. Walking briskly a mile or more five times a week works fine. You can drain accumulated nasty lymph fluid by jumping on a mini-trampoline or "rebounder" daily.

Yoga instructions are accessible in most areas, and yoga is an excellent external and internal organ toner that increases vitality and health without wearing you out in the process.

(6) Meditate. The last pose or asana in yoga, the "corpse pose" will lead into mediation if practiced properly. Meditating daily even for minutes at a time will help calm your mind, ease anxiety, sleep better, and align the chi energy for better health.

Sources for this article include:

Excellent magnesium data by Dr. Mark Sircus

Learn more:

Monday, 11 March 2013

Flaxseed Lowers Blood Pressure

Here's another advantage of using flaxseed that I came across. Good for the arteries, good for inflammation and good for arrythmias. That is what I call a good power packed punch from the little seeds.
Adding flaxseed to the diets of patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) resulted in large drops in blood pressure (BP) of around 10 mm Hg systolic and 7 mm Hg diastolic after six months, according to the results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled study.

"This reduction of SBP and DBP after administration of dietary flaxseed is the largest decrease in BP ever shown by any dietary intervention," said Dr Delfin Rodriguez (University Hospital Holguin, Cuba) speaking here today at the American Heart Association 2012 Scientific Sessions. Such reductions would be expected to result in around a 50% fall in the incidence of stroke and a 30% reduction in MI, he added.


"Flaxseed represents a particularly attractive strategy for controlling hypertension in economically disadvantaged communities and countries, and its BP-lowering effects compare favorably with those of antihypertensive drugs and lifestyle modifications, such as a low-salt diet and weight loss," he noted.

Flaxseed Is Antiatherogenic, Anti-Inflammatory, and Antiarrhythmic

Rodriguez said that he and his colleagues chose to study flaxseed because animal studies have shown it has antiatherogenic, anti-inflammatory, and antiarrhythmic effects and may reduce circulating cholesterol and trans-fatty acid levels.


The flaxseed group exhibited a twofold increase in plasma alpha-linolenic acid and a 10-fold increase in enterolactone levels (p=0.003), but levels of these compounds did not change in the placebo group.

"Flaxseed has different components, including alpha-linolenic acid, enterolignans, and fiber, and all have been shown to decrease BP. We think we are seeing a synergistic effect of different compounds," he commented.